Todo es f el ic i dá.

Todo         es     f el  ic i  dá.
Bienvenido a TODO ES "FELICIDÁ", blog oficial del artista plástico, escritor y poeta Jack Babiloni.

"ALL BEAUTY AHEAD" (2014), new international parietal intervention by Jack Babiloni

New international parietal intervention by Jack Babiloni, in this case over the 6 squared meters of one of the walls of the bedroom of Nicolás, breastfeeding human being of 10 months of age, in the city of Madrid, Spain. 

Jack Babiloni got around on Wednesday, 14th of may, 2014, to Madrid, where wall painting had to be created. On preceding days, Jack Babiloni shared e-mails and telephone calls with the client, Mrs. Emilia Blasco García, Nicolás’ mother, and also hold an additional personal interview with her, in order to investigate about the physical place for the parietal intervention itself and, also, to bilaterally agree on which elements, criterion and creatures (anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and mythical ones) should respect the upcoming definitive Jack Babiloni’s artwork.

 Jack Babiloni, again and one more time, just imposed his well-known unique and no-negotiable exigence in all of his interventions, which is the impreparation of preliminar sketches, schemes or drawings. This, of course, was warmly accepted by Mrs. Blasco:

-Dear Jack, an emotional landscape crowded by your highly lyrical babilonic creatures would be not only fantastic, but also obligatory.

Said and done. The artwork created by Jack Babiloni, ex profeso, in situ and ad hoc, is entitled
All beauty ahead (2014).

ALL BEAUTY AHEAD, by Jack Babiloni

14th of may, 2014
2,5 m x 2,4 m
Oil on wall

{Copyright foto: Jack Babiloni, Todoesfelicidá Ediciones, 2014 y E.B.G.}

Commission TODAY a wall painting or parietal intervention
by Jack Babiloni (indoors or outdoors)
in whichever worldwide country:

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